PBY Catalina International Association
1989 Volume 1, Number 1 (p.05)

I've made minor corrections. Click here to see the original Search

1510 Kabel Drive
New Orleans, LA. 70131

July 29, 1989

Dear PBYer,
I want to apologize for being so long in getting the attached newsletter out to you. It was no fault of Jim Morrison as he had a copy of his first newsletter (Vol.1 No.1) in my hands shortly after the Anaheim meeting but for one reason or the other I have been procrastinating and just not getting to it.

One of the reasons is that I have been trying to get some kind of handle on the dates for the 1990 New Orleans meeting as well as information on the 1991 Hawaii meeting. The New Orleans reunion is tentatively set for September 13-16, 1990--- more information on that in the next newsletter. Regarding the Hawaii reunion I have just made contact with a member of the Kaneohe Klippers who makes arrangements in Hawaii for the Klippers who meet there every 5 years. He has very kindly agreed to lend us some assistance in making some of our arrangements along with their 1991 reunion which is to be held there also. The dates will be sometime about Dec. 3 to 9, 1991. He will be going to Hawaii this coming September 1 to make preliminary reservations for blocks of hotel rooms, buses for transportation to Kaneohe Bay for a Kaneohe Day celebration--to the Polynesian Cultural Center and so forth. For me, making this contact was like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. What I need now is a quick response from you as to your plans so that I can get some numbers to him prior to his leaving for Hawaii this coming September 1.

If you are seriously thinking of attending the December 1991 reunion in Hawaii please fill in the following form and return to me so that I get it by August 31, 1989. I will assume that no response from you indicates that you do not intend to attend. This info is simply for planning purposes and no one will be held to their response. Because of the shortness of time I am sending this out first class rather than the bulk mail rate that I have been set up for our association.

Thanks for your cooperation--Sincerely
[/s Jim Thompson]

We are planning to attend the Hawaii Reunion--1991

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Name Number
Return to: Jim Thompson
  1510 Kabel Dr.
  New Orleans, LA.  70131 504/392-1227
